2:24 AM
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Questions about sewing? - fashion lollita
Where can I find models of clothing advice?
I have one or two things in my life. And I am comfortable enough to move on to bigger things, like clothes, perhaps in the eye. Where can I find clothing patterns online?
Good situation, I am interested in "gothic" fashion. Dresses Lollita, corporate goth, bondage skirts, etc.. Any tips?
2:54 AM
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Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum? - shadow pikachu for sale
Does anyone know the AR codes for Pokemon Pikachu event such as McDonald's or the Japanese film or 07 Darkrai shadow Riolu & Almia Darkrai or whatever films please!
3:31 AM
Posted by
,I'm truck tire shopping...? - cooper discoverer atr or goodyear silent armour
Has anyone experience with tires Cooper Discoverer ATR, rugget Wrange good year in D2, or the long way, and BF Goodrich tire track?
4:03 AM
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How do I get rid of fruit flies in my apartment? - how do i get rid of fruit flies in tortoise cage
I live with roommates is a complicated thing, and when I'm traveling, not all quick to throw their garbage and food scraps. Now my house is has been infected with what looks like fruit flies. I tossed in the trash .. but we will not. Does anyone know a simple and cost little or product on the market, get rid of them? Thank you very much.
4:30 AM
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What is wrong with my hand a tingling sensation and stiffness goes from my pinky to my thumb? - pinky goes towork
Could it be carpal tunnel.
5:01 AM
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Is it ok to use 2 saddle pads on a sorting horse? - used saddle right pads
I have a horse of 18 years was ordered classification, 2 towels for use ...
i dont know if thats right.
5:36 AM
Posted by
What do I do with a W2 from my employer for disability payments and he never paid to me? - maternity leave two w2 third party
My employer has no benefits for maternity leave, but his work will be there when you return. I did my job a week before I delivered) (caesarean section, as well as paid sick days. I have for payments of temporary disability asked Department of Labor and received a total of $ 3017.00 for them for 8 weeks, I was not present. My boss gave me two W-2 forms, one for my regular salary and that $ 5851.00 is required in Table 1, the wages of a "third party pay shows. Da W-2 is also my name, what I do? "He never has anything directly to me, my disability was unemployment or disability of the body (for which a Form 1099), but I get a Form W-2, it seems that I must be considered a reward?" I have no $ $ 5851,ll. What should I do?
6:08 AM
Posted by
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I was seacrhing all day and it is bangbus porn but I would like to see someone really meeeeeeee plz help everyone!
6:20 AM
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How do you update avira antivirus? - avira antivirus update
be downloaded, updated, and how do I install?
6:57 AM
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What should i buy a 19 year old for her birthday? - fashion bug birthday coupon code
I must go to a party this Friday and I do not know what they are buying. She told me she likes perfumes and lotions. But what is it? I also had a coupon for fashion bug! Please help.
7:28 AM
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West Coast Choppers Shoes? - choppers shoes
I've seen videos with Jesse and has a flat black shoes. Where can I get a pair like that?
7:59 AM
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Is it ok to wear a black shirt with a grey waistcoat/vest? if so what colour tie could i wear? - what colour tie to use with black vest
Ja na draw would be the same color as the vest.
8:33 AM
Posted by
Chantix unusual behavior, In trouble with the law. HELP!!!? - does xanax help quitting smoking
My brother is a need in conflict with the law at the moment and help. He has to stop taking the drug to Chantix. In this and Xanax for a month, varenicline for smoking and Xanax for depression. Approximately two weeks after discontinuation of the drug Chantix, because I had some very negative side effects with it, depression, anxiety, mood swings, which also dealt with the loss of his work and his dying father. He is under pressure and stress lately. It took a couple of Xanax, a night after the thrill it was to his former employer by 4 clock in the morning, which was carried into the house, stormed it and tried to revise, Steal Things. He has not stolen anything, hurt anyone, but it remains stuck, and escaped from the police. It is now charGED burglary in the 1st Degree and assault with a weapon (even if no one will be attacked or damaged!) And some other minor charges.
He now has a lawyer and has everything together to get it. This is not quite like him, and it is something that has never happened 2 months ago. I firmly believe that varenicline and depression has led to this. So it is a way to test Chantix is to blame, how can I do? Our lawyer says that we be able to tell an expert, that can cause this problem Chantix May. I personally know this drug caused this sort of behavior, but there's a website or something that I can, who is an expert on Chantix disadvantages to speak. Any information would be greatly appreciated. They talk of sendingtion of 24 years in prison for a minimum of 20 years for something that I honestly do not remember, and he never had any problems with the law before, not even a parking ticket.
8:52 AM
Posted by
Was geography the primary factor for the differences in character between MA and VA colonies? - 3. what is the difference between a colony and a cfu
Geography is the main reason for the differences of character between the colonies of Massachusetts and Virginia during the 17th Century?
It is the history of the United States for the AP. I need help writing a thesis on the subject, and help 3 solid facts to the thesis.
9:21 AM
Posted by
I need help!Is my daughter having low self esteem? - daughters low self esteem
My 10-year-old daughter explained that some children are identified in the school ugly.I did not tell him to hear is a beautiful young woman, but she did not believe me, I do not know what to do.
10:01 AM
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Can you get strep throat more than once in a short period of time? - strep more condition_symptoms
As mentioned in a few weeks, you can double your success?
10:38 AM
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I was recently diagnosed with genital herpes. its pretty much cleared up from the first outbreak. ? - herpes stomach area
I scraped the skin on the abdomen and was surprised to see the streaks of red and looks almost like an area that is injured or some kind of rash. Can I transmit herpes to my skin on my stomach? or is it something completely different. Is it possible to transmit herpes in this way or is it just spread to the mouth, genitals and eyes?
11:04 AM
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Any good games like wedgie toss 2? - wedgie toss gay
as the face fart by 3?
11:39 AM
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Help please!!? - goal bladder
There are about 2 weeks I got pains in my stomach when I went to the doctor and he said his goal * or your bladder or if you have strep. I tested positive for STREP, but a week after taking the drug began to feel pain again! I can not breathe!
Now it hurts when I bend and when I get up.
no idea what is it?
12:15 PM
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Best toothpaste for cavity/ enamel wear protection? - enamel protection mouthwash
Hello. I am concerned about the decline and the erosion of tooth enamel. I have pro-enamel, Tom CARIES PROTECTION organic all the attention and ACT mouthwash. Is there any other kind of toothpaste or mouthwash should I use?
12:45 PM
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I read something about the use of "Woman's Only" train carts in Tokyo because of a "groping" problem. Is it... - groping on train forum
Is this a big problem in the subway or the train there?
1:20 PM
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"No matter what brings the future, fundamental things do not change." Does this sentence make sense? - fundamentals of futures and options markets test questions
And even if there grammatical mistakes, please tell me.
1:50 PM
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I want to have a bow on a wire instead of a mouse? - bow and arrow computer
taught to me that never been a mouse and an arrow that just does not make sense to the logic of this >>>>-------->? explain
2:23 PM
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I have many decks now and want to make a whole new one i would like to know a very good one to get? - sacrificial bam deck mtg
I have an elves, goblins, Grixis, green and blue sunset, with Bruiser, the artefact bam deck of slaughter, and a package of proposals covered Boros?